Tech 1: shrouding sensitive intell (you can always lie of course, but in my case that eats of my conscience)

Let me teach you a few thingies about the human memory.

First of all we need to make the distinction between the short term and the long term memory.

The long term memory resembles an endless library. Everything that drips through stays there. That doesn’t necessarily mean that every bit of stored information gets consulted one time or another.

The short term memory is a totally different story all together. You have to divide this into a working memory and a subconscious memory. The working memory has more or less one minute to process received information. Everything that isn’t digested within that time frame gets discarded. The brains make, in a matter of micro seconds, a seperation between usefull, potentially usefull and worthless information. In most cases valuable things get absorbed, potentially valuable things get thrown in the subconscious memory and the useless intell gets discarded for good.

Now comes the really important part.

The working memory likes to remember the first and the last mentioned words. Which means that if you for instance need to give an answer with a quite personal part in it than you start by giving a harmless introduction, you quickly rush through the sensitive part and finaly you finish with an innocent closer … and make that one last longer than a minute.

Believe it or not … but there’s also an easier fix. People in general are not that interested in what you have to say. Chances are that if you are being asked how you are doing/feeling people will be already satisfied with just one small relevant answer. ‘Cause … really …  how many in-depth questions do people actualy ask ?